
Personalizing diagnosis and treatment for Familial Hypercholesterolemia patients

Gilles Lambert

Professor, Université de La Réunion - Inserm
La Réunion


Gilles Lambert is Professor in Biochemistry at the University of La Réunion Medical School (France) and a group leader at Inserm UMR1188 DéTROI laboratory. He has conducted seminal research projects on familial hypercholesterolemia and PCSK9, a protein that targets the LDL receptor for intracellular degradation, and the target of novel cholesterol lowering therapies: the PCSK9 inhibitors. A major aim of his research is to identify the cellular pathways by which PCSK9 modulates the circulating levels of lipoprotein (a), a highly atherogenic lipoprotein species. He has had several successful grants to study the Cardiovascular benefits of PCSK9 inhibition as well as the cellular and metabolic pathways governing lipoprotein (a) concentrations. 
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